Smart HbA1c Converter

Convert a value of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) between different units of measurement and estimate the average blood glucose (ABG).

mmol/mol   %


Converted HbA1c:

Glycated hemoglobin is an index of the blood glucose levels over the previous two or three months prior to the measurement. Therefore, monitoring HbA1c is useful in the management of patients with diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association (ADA), the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) have planned in 2008 the switch of the reported glycated hemoglobin values from DCCT units (%) to IFCC units (mmol/mol).

This site was designed to provide a useful conversion tool between these units of measurement and an estimate of the ABG levels based on the HbA1c value.

Please read the disclaimer before using the converter.

DE: Konvertieren einen Wert des glykosylierten Hämoglobins (HbA1c) zwischen verschiedenen Maßeinheiten und berechnen Sie die geschätzte durchschnittliche Glucose (EAG).
ES: Convertir un valor de hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1c) entre diferentes unidades de medida y calcular el promedio estimado de glucosa (eAG).
FR: Convertir une valeur d’hémoglobine glyquée (HbA1c) entre différentes unités de mesure et de calcul de la glycémie moyenne estimée (EAG).
IT: Convertitore di emoglobina glicata (HbA1c) per convertire l’HbA1c in una diversa unità di misura e stimare la glicemia media (eAG).